Congresul Societăţii Internaţionale de Urologie (SIU)
27th Congress of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie (Prof. P.Geavlete şi dr V.Cauni in faţa unui poster acceptat si prezentat)
27th Congress of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie (Prof. P.Geavlete, Prof. F.Debruyne, fostul Secretar General EAU)
27th Congress of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie (Prof. P.Geavlete si dr V.Cauni in faţa unui poster)
Congresul mondial ISSIR
11th World Congress of the International Society for Sexual and Impotence Research - prezentare de poster
Congresul mondial de Endourologie şi ESWL (WCE)
22nd World Congress on Endourology & SWL. 20th Basic Research Symposium. Mumbai, India. November 2-5, 2004
Speaker and Chairman
Invited co-chairmen: Ralph Clayman (USA), Jeffrey Cadeddu (USA), Petrisor Geavlete (Romania), Jens Rassweiler (Germany),
Jean de la Rosette (The Netherlands), Narmada Gupta (India), Ingolf Tuerk (USA), Gerhard Fuchs (USA),
Demetrius Bagley (USA), Arthur Smith (USA), Marshall Stoler (USA), Joseph Segura (USA)
Session Title: Live operating Workshop. Section 4 - Endourology. Prostate
Date and time: November 2, 2004, from 7:00 to 16:00.
22nd World Congress on Endourology & SWL (Prof. P.Geavlete, Prof. N.Gupta,
Prof. Jean de la Rossete, Prof. J.Rassweiler).
Session Title: Instruction Course. Laser in urology. Soft tissue laser applications in the upper tracts
Date and time: November 3, 2004, from 6:30 to 7:45.
World Congress on Endourology & SWL. 22th Basic Research Symposium. Mumbai, India. November 2-5, 2004
Session Title: Moderated Poster Session. Retrograde intrarenal surgery
Date and time: November 5, 2004, from 13:30 to 15:00.
22th World Congress on Endourology & SWL (Prof. Andreas Gross, Prof. Mahesh Desai, Prof. P.Geavlete)
Congresul mondial de video-urologie
Video-Urology World Congress, Busan, Korea, June 17-19, 2004
Moderators: Petrisor Geavlete (Romania), Sung Joon Hong (Korea), Hyun Yul Rhew (Korea)
Session Title: Video Session XIII (Grand Ballroom): Oncology (on 7-12)
Date and time: June 18, 2004, 17:10 - 18:30
15th Video-Urology World Congress Video Session XIII. Moderators:
Petrisor Geavlete (Romania), Sung Joon Hong (Korea), Hyun Yul Rhew (Korea)
Moderators: Kazuo Suzuki (Japan), Yoshiyuki Kakehi (Japan), Petrisor Geavlete (Romania), Sang Eun Lee (Korea)
Panel Discussants: Allen Chiu (Taiwan) and Moon Kee Chung (Korea)
Session Title: Surgical treatment of muscle invasive bladder tumors
Session IV (Grand Ballroom):
Date and time: June 18, 2004, 10:20 - 11:40
Congresul central european de urologie
4th Central European Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, October 21-22, 2004
Session Title: Urethra, female urology (Simultaneous poster session 2)
Date and time: October 21, 2004, from 09:45 - 11:45.
Chairmen: Prof. C.Chapple şi Prof. P.Geavlete
European Urological Winter Escape Meeting
3rd European Urological Winter Escape Meeting, Tenerife, December 12-15, 2004
Session Title: Free paper session I
Date and time: December 13, 2004, from 15:00 to 16:00
State of the Art
Session Title: Stress Urinary Incontinence Update. Role of injectables for female stress incontinence
Date and time: December 14, 2004, from 15:30 to 17:00
Congresul Societăţii Franceze de Urologie (AFU)
98e Congres Francais d'Urologie - prezentare de poster
Congresul Panelenic de Urologie Alexandroupoulis
Dr. C.Persu la prezidiul uneia dintre sectiunile congresului si prezentand un "State of the art"
ESU Bucuresti
Dr. C. Persu prezentand un caz clinic in cadrul cursurilor ESU
Congresul tinerilor medici, Istanbul, Turcia
Dr. C.Persu in timpul prezentarii unui "State of the art"
SIFUD Bucuresti
Dr. Persu C. in timpul prezentarii unui poster in cadrul SIFUD
Inapoi la congrese