Atlas of Endourology
Images and Techniques
Sub redacţia
Petrişor Geavlete
Carte premiată :
1. Premiul special pentru cartea de referinţă din domeniul medical (salonul
internaţional de carte, universitatea "Ovidius" Constanţa, ediţia a Va), 15 - 20
septembrie 2006
2. Premiul Carol Davila al Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie Bucureşti
(premiere efectuată de conducerea Universităţii de Medicină şi Farmacie - Bucureşti, noiembrie 2006)
România liberă - 28 iunie 2006
Atlas of Endourology. Images and Techniques
Sub redacţia - Prof. Dr. Petrişor Geavlete
Atlasul de endourologie, apărut recent la Editura Universitară "Carol Davila", constituie un eveniment editorial deosebit pentru lumea medicală. Este una dintre puţinele lucrări de acest tip existente în lume, care, prin conţinut şi prin prezentare - o adevărată bijuterie tipografică - se adresează specialiştilor urologi din ţară şi de pretutindeni. Calitatea imaginilor şi textul în limba engleză îi dau de la început legitimitate universală.
Este mai întâi un manual de specialitate care, în cele peste 4000 de imagini înfăţişează aspecte normale şi patologice din toate segmentele aparatului urinar. Leziunile complexe pe care le dă boala sunt particulare fiecărui caz, dar au unele caracteristici comune, care stau la baza judecăţii medicului pentru recunoaşterea elementelor de diagnostic. De aceea, un atlas rămâne un ghid viu prin labirintul atâtor modificări ale structurilor normale produse de boală, un instrument de lucru care devine indispensabil specialistului chemat să descrie, să compare şi să formuleze un diagnostic pe baza imaginii la care ajunge cu ajutorul unei aparaturi complexe si delicate.
Pe de altă parte, acest Atlas este expresia unei adevărate stări de spirit. O echipă entuziastă de excelenţi medici tineri, condusă de profesorul Petrişor Geavlete, a adunat de-a lungul a două decenii de experienţă mii de imagini din experienţa personală, le-a selectat atent şi ne oferă doar ceea ce a considerat esenţial, util şi interesant. Rareori cineva are tăria de a examina şi de a fotografia, spre a fi dăruit şi altora, secretul muncii şi succeselor sale profesionale. Aceşti adevăraţi exploratori ai adâncurilor urologiei pătrund ca nişte speologi în întunericul organismului omenesc şi ne povestesc, în imagini, despre frumuseţea creaţiei şi despre atrocităţile săvârşite de boală. Nu putem admira îndeajuns pasiunea, tenacitatea şi dăruirea colectivului de autori care, cu pricepere şi cu discernământ, ne călăuzesc într-o lume de vis, pe care altădată abia dacă o bănuiam.
În sfârşit, acest Atlas reprezintă şi un valoros act de cultură. Dacă filmările subacvatice, fotografiile din peşteri sau din avion constituie tot atâtea prilejuri de emoţii artistice, interiorul corpului uman nu e cu nimic mai puţin fascinant, şi nu numai prin actul de cunoaştere strict medicală. Este un vast univers în care se înmănunchează toată măiestria creaţiei şi de care nu putem să ne apropiem decât cu sfială. Un Atlas valoros ca cel de faţă nu poate, chiar dacă nu aceasta a fost intenţia sa principală, să nu surprindă, la dimensiunile aparatului de endoscopie, un colţişor misterios în faţa căruia rămânem plini de admiraţie şi sfială.
Dar pe lângă mesajul artistic şi de cunoaştere, Atlasul evidenţiază şi competenţa autorilor. Explorarea nu este un scop în sine. Medicul este un om de acţiune; cu măiestria lui şi cu ajutorul aparatelor moderne el luptă cu răul, îl învinge şi redă frumuseţea originară. Sute sau mii de alţi specialişti vor proceda la fel şi vor deschide din nou acest atlas ca pe o carte de căpătâi.
26 - iunie - 2006 Prof.Univ. Dr. Stelian Persu
Viaţa Medicală, Nr. 32, 11 August 2006
Prestigioasa Editură Universitară "Carol Davila" a UMF "Carol Davila" din Bucureşti ne-a prilejuit - şi momentul de graţie a fost ales minuţios prin iniţiativa Directorului acestei Edituri Dl. Dr. Ing. V. Purcărea la încheierea dublei manifestări urologice internaţionale şi naţionale din luna iunie a.c. - bucuria lansării unui veritabil ALBUM de ENDOUROLOGIE (remarca nu îmi aparţine, i-o datorez Profesorului Dr. Ioan Ioiart de la Universitatea de Vest din Arad).
Este vorba de o carte care va deveni de referinţă pentru breasla urologilor : "ATLAS OF ENDOUROLOGY - Images and Tehniques" Editor-in-Chief PETRIŞOR GEAVLETE, "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucharest - 2006.
De la bun început recunosc că în materie de producţie editorială sunt pe stil vechi - prefer "produsele" Galaxiei Gutenberg oricărei alte modalităţi de promotion IT!
Mărturisesc, de asemenea, că răsfoind şi privind cartea am plăcerea să descopăr palpe-ul catifelat al hartiei de bună calitate, claritatea de cristal şi culoarea impecabilă a imaginilor endoscopice - fiindcă acest tom de 723 de pagini cuprinde aproape 3000 de imagini riguros selectate din munca ultimilor 20 de ani a Profesorului Dr. Geavlete şi a colectivului pe care îl conduce. Sper că nu forţez comparaţia atunci când asemuiesc efortul acestora cu dăltuirea unei bijuterii tip "Karl Fabergé". Neprecupeţind timpul şi inspiraţia, ca nişte adevăraţi şi migăloşi artizani , doctorul Petrişor Geavlete şi cei şapte tineri şi destoinici membrii ai Colectivului Clinicii de Urologie a Spitalului "Sfântul Ioan" din Bucureşti au vindecat nu numai suferinţa atâtor pacienţi dar au şi adunat spre învăţătura celor ce îi vor urma în profesiune imagini de referinţă din toate capitolele de patologie urologică endoscopică.
Pentru a propune tiparului şi a da la iveală o astfel de carte ai nevoie de nervi de oţel, de un colectiv unit, de peste 1000 de casete video cu înregistrări peroperatorii şi de răbdare cu carul pentru a găsi, filma, selecta şi ordona ceea ce este esenţial în endourologie. După cum mărturiseşte editorul în Foreward "pornind de la urologia clasică, bazaţi pe chirurgia deschisă în ultimii douăzeci de ani ne-am implicat în Endourologie fascinaţi de invazivitatea minimă şi de eficienţă."
Palpând cu ochii şi răsfoind cu mintea această frumoasă carte de învăţătură endourologică (să nu uităm prima carte de acest fel de la noi: "Bazele Chirurgiei Endourologice", sub redacţia Prof. Dr. D. Nicolescu, ARE, 1997) îmi vine în minte gândul vrăjit al unui ilustru contemporan - Gabriel Liiceanu: "Ştiu când o carte e bună. Criteriul este simplu : ea trebuie să te mute în lumea pe care o deschide !". Atlasul de Endourologie te transportă imediat în lumea excursiilor endoscopice în care te simţi precum unui scufundător marin din echipa vestitului J. Cousteau: te găseşti când în preajma unui coral acoperit de alge care se unduiesc după un ritm şi o muzică numai de ele ştiute - e vorba de o tumoră vezicală superficială !, când descoperi nişte mici pietre de chihlimbar cuibărite lângă capsula prostatică - litiaza prostatică, sau drumuieşti către ţara de sus, via ureteroscop, până la papila renală cu întreaga ei patologie...
Up from down - precept pe care urologii şi-l însuşesc de la începutul instrucţiei lor, adică de la meatul uretral şi uretră cu patologia aferentă (stricturi, valve, fistule, căi false) ajungem la prostată, organ mic şi năbădăios pentru bărbaţii trecuţi de 60 de ani. Sunt consemnate în imagini endoscopice, histopatologice şi radiologice variate aspecte de patologie prostatică: hiperplazia benignă de prostată (BPH), cancerul de prostată (CaP), litiaza prostatică, abcesele prostatice, chistele şi corpii străini prostatici.
Pătrundem apoi în vezica urinară. Prin intermediul unor imagini esenţiale autorii vizualizează patologia tumorală, degenerativă şi inflamatorie a acestui organ. După aceea, cu ajutorul instrumentarului endourologic inteligent editorial şi imparţial explicitat în primul capitol al cărţii ("Modern technologies in Endourology"), ascensionăm până la joncţiunea ureteropelvină (UPJ) şi intrăm în rinichi. Sunt vizualizate modalităţile de rezolvare a stenozelor respectivei joncţiuni - endopielolitotomia anterogradă şi retrogradă ca şi patologia renală abordabilă endourologic: litiaza pielocaliceală, tumori bazinetale, diverticuli caliceali.
Tendinţa ar fi, conform principiului anterior amintit, ca patologia renală să fie rezolvată prin intermediul ureteroscopiei retrograde semirigide sau flexibile. Autorii prezintă şi varianta abordului anterograd al rinichiului - prin intermediul endoscopiei percutanate rigide sau flexibile.
Scrierea cronicii unei cărţi nu înseamnă, în accepţiunea mea, o înşiruire de cuvinte alegorice asezonate cu aforisme sau cugetări. O atare întreprindere are şi menirea de a descoperi fisurile unei construcţii.Am căutat dar nu am reuşit să le găsesc. Sunt surprinse şi redate imagistic, spre exemplu, la capitolul "Complicaţiile ureteroscopiei" - avulsiile ureterale, perforaţiile ureterale iatrogene, leziunile iatrogene ale mucoasei ureterale, falsul pasaj ureteral al inserţiei unui ghid ureteral - lucru rar întâlnit în cărţile de medicină fiindcă, de ce să nu recunoaştem ?, iatrogenia este un capitol pe care ne place să îl dăm uitării!...
Chiar dacă aş fi furat de micile bucurii sau de mizeriile zilnice nu pot sa nu spun că bolnavii urologici ca toţi suferinzii - agasanţi uneori prin dorinţa de a avea certitudini, plictisitori prin chiar însăşi recidiva unora din bolile lor, pisălogi prin insistenţă - sunt furnizorii superbului material imagistic al Atlasului de Endourologie.
Fiindcă este o carte mult trudită până la a vedea lumina tiparului sunt convins că Atlasul va fi, pentru multă vreme, o prezenţă unică în peisajul cărţii medicale de la noi. Cartea are deschidere largă şi nu văd de ce, în viitorul imediat, nu ar fi prezentă - cu mediatizarea absolut necesară - la toate standurile de carte aferente Congreselor de urologie internaţionale.
În plus, ca o mărturisire proprie, cred că Atlasul de Endourologie - Prof. Dr. Geavlete va rămâne un reper. Şi, de ce să nu recunoaştem ?! în istoria atât de rapid schimbătoare şi complicată a începutului de veac orice lucru ce înseamnă un reper e foarte, foarte valoros !...
Conf. Dr. Dan Mischianu
Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă
Militar Central "Dr. Carol Davila"
Revista Română de Nefrologie
Clinica de Urologie Tg. Mureş
Str. Dr. Gh. Marinescu nr.1
Atlas de Endourologie - Imagini şi Tehnici, apărut recent in limba engleză sub redacţia Profesorului Dr. Petrişor Geavlete, este o contribuţie de excepţie a şcolii de endourologie româneşti, în particular a Clinicii de Urologie a Spitalului Sfântul Ioan din Bucureşti.
El se bazează pe experienţa semnificativă a autorului, desfăşurată timp de două decenii în domeniul endourologiei, perioadă în care a efectuat peste 45.000 de proceduri endourologice, ce înmănuchează cvasitotalitatea tehnicilor existente astăzi în domeniu.
Conţinutul celor 3000 de imagini endoscopice color ale Atlasului, alese cu mult discernământ, reprezintă un efort greu de imaginat şi de înfăptuit.
Acest Atlas, adresat endourologilor, indiferent de gradul lor de pregătire constituie o sursă foarte valoroasă de documentare, dar de tip particular, deoarece se bazează pe capacitatea de memorare vizuală, în măsură să reţină informaţiile mai facil şi mai curat decât cele scrise.
Monografia este concepută de o manieră originală, fiecare entitate patologică fiind ilustrată sugestiv prin trei categorii de imagini: 1. specifice morbidităţii respective, 2. de cazuri clinice reprezentative şi, 3. faze esenţiale de tehnică.
O descriere exhaustivă a cuprinsului este derizorie în acest context. El devine însă foarte necesar de cunoscut în practica cotidiană, pentru că oferă şanse concrete de a descifra necunoscutele cazului dat, în pofida celor mai perfecte imagini endoscopice obţinute prin cel mai modern armamentariu endourologic a situaţiei neclare.
La fel de meritorie este calitatea superioară a imaginilor Atlasului, cât şi materialul tipografic folosit.
În ansamblu, concluzionez, în deplină cunoştinţă de cauză şi cu toată convingerea, că lucrarea D-lui Profesor Petrisor Geavlete este o reuşită deplină. Ea onorează în primul rând pe domnia Sa, dar şi tânărul colectiv de colaboratori.
Cunoscând capacităţile, tenacitatea şi ingeniozitatea prof. Geavlete, îmi întăreşte speranţa unor noi surprize editoriale performante, utile pentru urologia românească dar şi mai buna cunoaştere a realizărilor ei peste hotare.
Tg. Mures, 7 iulie 2006
Prof. Dr. Dorin Nicolescu
Membru titular al Academiei de Ştiinţe Medicale din România
Medicina Modernă,
Revista Colegiului medicilor din România, Vol. XIII, Nr. 8, 2006
Atlas of Endourology - Images and Techniques
Tempus fugit! În programul celei de a IX-a Sesiuni Ştiinţifice a Institutului de Medicină şi Farmacie-Bucureşti 22-23 Noiembrie 1963 apar publicaţiile: Cystofotografia în culori, Cystocinematografia în culori, Cystoscopia televizată sub semnătura: Ion Albescu, A. Steclaci şi S. Stoichiţă. În numărul 5/1964 al revistei Chirurgia apare articolul: "Importanţa fotografiei şi cinematografiei endovezicale în culori" de aceiaşi autori. Primele fotografii endoscopice în Urologie au fost făcute cunoscute! Nu vreau să discut calitatea, dar erau primele. Era un început! Spre surprinderea şi bucuria mea, în cadrul celui de al 22-lea Congres al Asociaţiei Naţionale de Urologie a fost prezentat volumul "Atlas of Endourology - Images and Techniques" întocmit de o grupă de specialişti sub conducerea Prof. Dr. Petrişor Geavlete. Am fost impresionat! Volumul începe cu cuvintele: "Among the Surgical specialities, Urology has had one of the most impressive developments during the last few decades." Cât de adevărat! Citind şi mai ales "privind" acest volum (este cunoscut că învăţământul medical este în primul rând vizual) îmi dau seama de câtă muncă, perseverenţă, cunoştinţe medicale şi tehnice este nevoie pentru a realiza, cred eu, una dintre cele mai reuşite, complete şi calitativ deosebite lucrări de endourologie. Este nevoie de o astfel de publicaţie? Această întrebare a fost pusă şi în cadrul celei de a IX-a Sesiuni Ştiinţifice a Institutului de Medicină şi Farmacie din Bucureşti din 22/23 Noiembrie 1963. Răspunsul a fost dat de câteva personalităţi cu renume deosebit în medicina românească: Prof. Th. Burghele, Prof. T. Spârchez, Prof. C. Anastasatu, Dr. S. Stoichiţă, Ing. A. Steclaci. Într-adevăr înregistrarea imaginilor văzute în timpul diverselor explorări sau intervenţii medicale a constituit şi constituie şi astăzi una dintre preocupările de seamă ale medicinei în toate domeniile. Progresele au fost rapide, în diverse spitale înfiinţându-se secţii speciale de fotografie, cinematografie, transmisie televizată etc. Astăzi nu mai există simpozioane, congrese, prezentări ştiinţifice sau de învăţământ fără a utiliza într-o formă sau alta transmiterea imaginilor. Încă din 1940 Mc.Crea adaptează un aparat fotografic la cistoscop realizând fotografii alb/negru dar care, din cauza sursei luminoase insuficiente, erau de calitate mediocră. O dată cu evoluţia deosebită a sursei de lumina, Fourestier-Gladu-Vulmiere (1952) au putut face fotografii endobronşice, iar Jaupitre fotografii şi filme în culori. Datorită activităţii deosebite în acest domeniu a unor firme de instrumente: Storz, Wolff, Olympus evoluţia tehnică a fost foarte puternică. S-au putut pune la dispoziţia corpului medical mijloacele necesare pentru a realiza o documentaţie de care medicina are nevoie. Volumul prezentat de Dl. Prof. Petrişor Geavlete şi colaboratorii săi dovedeşte o muncă deosebit de intensă şi de calitate superioară. Timp de 15 ani au fost făcute peste 45.000 de investigaţii endourologice! Ele au fost catalogate şi apoi 3.000 au fost alese pentru apariţia în acest volum. Împărţit în 8 capitole principale, albumul prezintă aspecte din toată patologia urologică. Este impresionantă calitatea fotografiilor dar şi varietatea lor, reprezentând uneori aspecte în evoluţia afecţiunilor respective cu imagine înainte şi după tratament. Acest album are un interes didactic deosebit, în el putem găsi adunate imagini atât de instructive cu exemple foarte clare în problemele endourologice. Aşa cum am încercat să arăt, evoluţia în acest domeniu a fost extraordinar de puternică şi dacă am face o comparaţie cu modestele începuturi din 1963 ne putem da seama cât de mult s-au dezvoltat tehnicile de investigaţii endourologice, ale preluării de imagini şi ale transmiterii lor mai departe. O muncă de 15 ani, 45.000 de investigaţii endourologice, un atlas cu 3.000 de imagini care va avea sigur "an important impact in the forming of young, modern urologist, as well as for all the specialist of our field." Este o realizare deosebită pentru care întregul colectiv al Domnului Prof. Petrişor Geavlete trebuie felicitat din toată inima. De asemenea felicităm firmele de instrumente medicale care au dezvoltat o aparatură performantă: Storz, Wolf, Olympus, Dornier. Un cuvânt deosebit de felicitare trebuie transmis Editurii Universitare "Carol Davila" din Bucureşti pentru calitatea editorială a albumului. O carte de excepţie! Eu mă aşteptam la o astfel de realizare pentru că îl cunosc pe Dl. Prof. Dr. Petrişor Geavlete de foarte multă vreme şi am remarcat evoluţia profesională deosebită pe care a făcut-o.
Prof. Dr. med. Ion Albescu
Atlas of Endourology - Images and Techniques
"Atlas of Endourology - Images and Techniques", carte editată în limba engleză, reprezintă o apariţie editorială cu valoare de unicat în istoria publicistică a Urologiei româneşti. Beneficind de condiţii grafice excepţionale (Editura Universiatră "Carol Davila"), cele peste 3.000 de imagini endourologice (toate "full colour") subliniază experienţa Profesor dr. Petrişor Geavlete şi a colectivului Clinicii de Urologie a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenţă "Sfântul Ioan" Bucureşti pe o perioadă de peste 25 de ani, cu peste 45.000 de proceduri efectuate! Structurată în 8 capitole, cu aspecte intraoperatorii şi tehnici moderne minim invazive care acoperă întreaga paletă a performanţelor din endourologie, acest Atlas se adresează în egală măsură medicilor urologi (de orice grad şi pregătire) cât şi celorlate specialităţi, medicilor de familie care doresc să-şi lărgească orizontul de cunoaştere. Comparat cu o operă de artă de mulţi referenţi atât din ţară cât şi din străinătate (peste 60 de aprecieri extrem de apreciative de la mari personalităţi ale lumii urologice) Atlasul a fost evaluat şi elogiat de numeroase ziare şi reviste din ţară (Chirurgia, Viaţa Medicală, Nefrologia, România Liberă, Medicina Modernă) şi din străinătate (European Urology Today, Archives of the Balkan Medical Union).
Revista Chirurgia, Vol. 101, Nr. 5, pp. 551, Sept-Oct. 2006
Atlas of Endourology - Images and Techniques
Dintre specialităţile chirurgicale, Urologia a cunoscut o evoluţie impresionantă în ultimele decade. Perfecţionarea tehnologică a făcut ca endourologia să-şi găsească aplicabilitatea în majoritatea bolilor aparatului urinar şi genital masculin, locul intervenţiilor chirurgicale deschise fiind majoritar înlocuit de cel endoscopic, care fascinează prin invazivitate redusă şi eficienţă. Astfel, de la litiaza urinară (indiferent de localizare sau mărime) la patologia tumorală, de la patologia malformaţiilor la leziunile traumatice sau iatrogene, paleta de posibilă rezolvare endoscopică este în continuă creştere.
În acest context, volumul "Atlas of Endourology - Images and techniques", publicat de Editura Universitară "Carol Davila" Bucuresti, reprezintă o apariţie inovatoare în peisajul publicisticii medicale românesti, unică până în acest moment în literatura românească. Lucrarea publicată în limba engleză este expresia preocupării consecvente a prof. Petrişor Geavlete pentru împărtăşirea vastei experienţe a Clinicii de Urologie a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenţă Sfântul Ioan, Bucureşti, într-un domeniu aflat într-o continuă şi impresionanată dezvoltare: Endourologia.
Experienţa de peste 20 ani în endourologia de vârf, concretizată în intervenţii efectuate în premieră naţională, lucrări ştiinţifice prezentate la congrese de specialitate, precum si numeroase articole publicate în reviste de prestigiu din ţară şi străinătate, a creat premizele apariţiei acestei lucrări remarcabile.
Cele peste 3.000 de imagini incluse în Atlas sunt rezultatul unei selecţii riguroase din peste 45.000 de intervenţii endoscopice înregistrate pe mai mult de 200 videocasete, constituind o bază de informaţii probabil unică (peste 1.200 ore).
Atlasul debutează cu o prezentare a celor mai moderne instrumente şi aparate utilizate în endourologia modernă, continuând cu prezentarea abordului endoscopic retrograd sau percutanat în patologia aparatului urinar.
Abordul diagnostic şi terapeutic endourologic al căii urinare este descris într-o succesiune firească, aşa cum se relevă ea endoscopistului, de la meatul uretral până la papila renală.
Fiecare capitol este structurat într-o manieră modernă în care aspectele particulare ale diverselor entităţi patologice preced sinteza etapelor semnificative ale diferitelor tehnici endoscopice, în final fiind incluse prezentări ale unor cazuri clinice ilustrative, precum şi aspecte ale urmăririi postoperatorii.
Modul de structurare şi prezentare a imaginilor, cu legende clare şi concise, asigură condiţii optime de receptare a noţiunilor descrise.
Calitatea editorială excelentă şi condiţiile grafice deosebite ale Atlasului sunt şi rezultatul profesionalismului colectivului Editurii Universitare "Carol Davila" conduse de D-nul Director Victor Purcărea.
Toate aceste consideraţii întăresc convingerea că acest Atlas îşi va găsi un loc binemeritat pe masa de studiu a fiecărui urolog din ţară şi, fără nici un fel de exagerare, din străinătate.
Prof.dr. Cornel Dragomirescu
Şeful clinicii de chirurgie, Spital clinic de urgenţă "Sfântul Ioan" Bucureşti
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union (The Official Journal of Balkan Medical Union - founded in 1963 as "Archives de l'Union Médicale Balcanique, Nr. 4, 2006
Urologic literature has recently been enriched with an extremely valuable book entitled "Atlas of Endourology - Images and Techniques" published in English by the "Carol Davila" University Press, Editor-in-chief: Professor Petrişor Geavlete.
The large number of the last 25 years of the Department of Urology ("Saint John" Emergency Clinical Hospital - Bucharest, Romania) has been carefully selected and edited through colored images, in special and impressive graphic conditions assembled in the eight chapters of the Atlas.
The images representing the great majority of pathologic aspects and modern minimally invasive endourological techniques (except laparoscopy) evaluate the rich material recorded on electronic support within this impressive period of time.
The modern endoscopic technology that equips this clinical department enabled us to perform diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers at the highest European level.
The great variety of the endoscopic equipment and the endowment of this clinical department with a large variety of flexible endoscopes allowed the extension of the minimally invasive procedures thus approaching the difficult areas of the intrarenal cavities (minor calyces, diverticular orifices). Laser technology made possible the endourological solution of intrarenal urothelial tumors and of the upper urinary tract stenosis (ureteral, UPJ, pyelocaliceal diverticulum, abnormalities, etc.).
The perseverance, the competence and the tenacity of the chief of this clinical department, Professor Petrişor Geavlete and of his entire staff lead to a high scientific level of Urological activity, all to the benefit of the patients.
The Atlas presents the exclusive imagistic material of this clinical department (especially from the personal experience of Professor Petrişor Geavlete), processed and wonderfully selected, representing the upper and lower urinary pathology. This special book includes 723 pages and over 3000 colored images, of an exceptional graphic quality. I have to underline that this Atlas is one of the few published in the urological literature, with 100% personal experience! This book is the result of over 45.000 endourological procedures within an amazing endoscopic experience (over 20 years of recorded endourological interventions)! I consider this exceptional activity a very important one for the entire Romanian Urology. I have to add that to my knowledge, this Atlas was greatly appreciated by over 60 representative worldwide urological personalities and awarded in National and International book meetings. I have to remind that this Atlas was reviewed in European Urology Today (October, 2006) by a great Urological personality (Professor Claude Schulman), being the only Romanian book having this honour.
It is to be mentioned the special contribution of the "Carol Davila" University Press for the elegance, quality and professional skill in graphic design.
The publication addresses to the urologists in training, to the specialists in Urology, as well as to interested physicians and students in medicine. Through its topics and amplitude, experience and quality, it is unique in our urological literature and one of the few worldwide references.
Professor Eugeniu Popescu
"Senior Professor" of the Clinical Department of Urology - "Saint John" Emergency Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
European Urology Today, Vol. 18, Nr. 4, pag. 29, Oct. 2006
Evaluări internaţionale
Professor Pierre Teillac (France)
EAU Secretary General
ESU Faculty
Cher Petrisor,
Merci pour votre merveilleux livre sur l'endo-urologie images et
Il s'agit indéniablement d'un livre d'enseignement indispensable pour
nos jeunes collègues.
Avec toutes mes félicitations et toute mon amitié.
Professor Theo de Reike (Netherlands)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
We again had a marvellous time in Bucharest and enjoyed the hospitality very much and look forward to come back to your beautiful country.
I was very much impressed by the atlas you composed over the last years of almost all urological abnormalities. I think this book should be available for all residents in Urology in order to learn about the endourological abnormalities and treatments. I will certainly make this book easily available for all our residents in order to study the multitude of urological diseases. Once again, thank you very much for this precious gift.
Theo M. de Reijke MD PhD FEBU, Urologist
Department of Urology
Academic Medical Center H4-221
Meibergdreef 9 1105 AZ AMSTERDAM The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 5666004
Fax: +31 20 6919647
E-mail: T.M.deReyke at AMC.UVA.NL
Professor John Densted (Canada)
AUA and Canadian Board Faculty
Petrisor; It was great to see you in Bucharest. The meeting was
excellent and I am sure you are very pleased with how it turned out. I
had an opportunity to review the book. It is extremely well done and
obviously represents a huge amount of work by you and your colleagues.
Congratulations. Looking forward to seeing you at some of the upcoming
meetings. All the best. JD
Professor Wiking Manson (Sweden)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
I owe you a lot of thanks for inviting me to this meeting, for your generous hospitality, for your beautiful book and for the wonderful friendly atmosphere that you and my other friends in Bucharest provided! It was a wonderful visit, although short. Next time I have to stay longer to get a chance to get to learn Romania better!
On my flight back home I had the opportunity to go through your book. It is a truly magnificent piece of art! It has a logical built up, the photos a magnificent and the fact that many photos accompany each case is certainly most valuable and educational. I think that you have covered all aspects of endourological surgery presenting all possible conditions that can occur.
I admire your persistency and all the work you must have given to this work.
This is a book that should be in the hands of every urologist interested in endoskopy and the different procedures.
My best congratulations!
I hope that you will have a nice summer. We had a great Midsummer weekend with a lot of raw herring, new potatoes, sour cream, onions, strong beer and even stronger aquavit! Prost!
Professor Seth Lerner (USA)
AUA Faculty
Dear Dr. Geavlete, the meeting was terrific and it is a great pleasure to have contributed a small part. I can not tell you how wonderful it was when I walked into the restaurant the evening before the meeting to see so many of my old friends. You greeted me so warmly, it made me feel right at home and as if I had been there only a short time ago. It was a great pleasure for me to share the podium with so many of the European experts. I made some very nice acquaintances as well.
I am honored that you were kind enough to share your book with me. It is an extraordinary compilation of cases covering the broad range of urologic endoscopy. I am keeping it on my desk and encouraging our residents to take time to go through the book. It shows just how far you all have come and in such a short period of time. This is a great example of the work product that has come out of the AUA's efforts to support the Romanian urologists through the International Cooperative Urologic Education initiative.
Please do stay in touch and I look forward to meeting again I hope in the near future.
Warmest regards,
Professor Arthur Smith (USA)
President of the World Video-Urology Society
Dear Petrisor,
You can indeed be very proud of your Endourology Atlas. You have managed to illustrate the numerous procedures in both a logical format and at the same time with the most outstanding photographs and diagrams of the Endourologic operation.
Those of us who have tried to capture endoscopic pictures during procedures appreciate just how outstanding your photographic techniques have achieved such excellent clarification. Your book will be a major asset to all aspiring endourologists and I hope you sell many copies. I wish you the best of luck with your book and look forward to seeing it on many book-shelves.
Professor Tarik Esen (Turkey)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Dear Prof. Geavlete
I received your precious work today. With great interest I right away
strolled through the pages and saw how much effort you have put into
it. It is the life-time experience of a great surgeon. I can assure you
that it will not only help me in the future but also guide our young
residents. I feel very privileged to have your book signed by you. Once
again thank you very much
In everlasting friendship
Dr.Tarik Esen
Professor Udo Jonas (Germany)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
Thank you very much for this excellent atlas, congratulations! I can imagine, how much work was necessary to accomplish this.
I whish you all the best, a nice summer and hope to see you again soon,
with all my best regards, also to your charming wife,
Udo Jonas MD
Professor and Chairman
Department of Urology
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Carl Neubergstrasse 1
D 30625 Hannover
phone : +49 (0)511 532 3650
fax: +49 (0)511 532 5634
Professor Hein van Poppel (Belgium)
EAU Board member and European School of Urology Chairman
Congratulations Petrisor, I just found it this morning.
Is a wonderful piece of art and science!
Many thanks and summer greetings!!
Prof. Dr. H. Van Poppel
Chairman Dept. of Urology
Director of the European School of Urology
Treasurer of the EORTC GU Group
University Hospital of KULeuven
UZ Gasthuisberg
Herestraat 49
B-3000 Leuven
Tel: 0032 16 34 66 87 - 0032 16 34 69 43
Fax: 0032 16 34 69 31
Professor Peter Albers (Germany)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
Thanks so much for this book. It just arrived yesterday and on first glance I was impressed by the good quality of the pictures!
Many thanks that you were able to send me such a large book from Romania to Germany.
Best regards,
Dear Petrisor,
These days I received your excellent Atlas of Endourology, Images and Techniques. The book arrived yesterday and I just had the time to roughly screen the images which look perfect to me.
I am very grateful that you sent me a copy of this outstanding atlas which certainly will improve our Residency Training since we are able to show a complete Atlas of images correlated to urological diseases during the training of our residents.
I hope that we are able to work together in the future on many urological topics as we did in the last years and again I am very grateful that you were able to send a copy from Romania to Germany.
With warmest regards,
Professor Dr. med. Peter Albers
Chairman Department of Urology
Klinikum Kassel
Moenchebergstr. 41-43
D-34125 Kassel
ph/fax +49 561 980 4030 / 6981
email: albers at
Professor Luis Martinez-Piñeiro (Spain)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor:
I just received it yesterday. It is a wonderful atlas and an incredible piece of work. It must have occupied you a lot of your time and lot of effort to complete it. I'm sure that it will be a reference atlas in the field of endourology.
Thank you very much for sending me one issue of your book. I will keep it in my library as a jewel.
Warmest regards from your friend,
Luis Martinez-Piñeiro
Professor Willem Oosterlinck (Belgium)
EAU and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
This morning I received the wonderful book of images which can become a nice instrument for my teaching.
I appreciate this gift of friendship strongly!
Great Thanks
Professor Paolo Puppo (Italy)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Dear friend,
I have just received your fantastic book !! Congratulations and thanks
Professor Jean de la Rosette (Netherlands)
EAU and ESU Faculty, Chairman of Urotechnology Society
Dear Petrisor,
My sincere contratulations. Just amazing all these wonderful colour
illustrations and I'm confident that this took a lot of time. This
superb book will be a true treasure in my library and I truely value
that you dedicated a copy of this work to me.
Please receive the very best regards of Pilar and me and we soon look
forward to seeing you again. At that occasion we will toast with you
on this achievement.
Best regards,
Professor Claude Schulmann (Belgium)
EAU and ESU Faculty, Senior Editor European Urology
Cher Petrisor,
Je suis très sensible à l'envoi du magnifique livre que tu as édité sur l'Atlas d'Endo-Urologie.
Je te félicite de tout cœur pour cette très belle réalisation, magnifiquement illustrée, et qui fera date.
Avec ma fidèle amitié,
Professor Jeroen van Moorselaar (Netherlands)
EAU and ESU Faculty, Chairman of EAU Video-Urology Committee
Dear Petrisor,
Thank you very much for sending me this very nice book. I received it on Tuesday. You have collected an enormous amount of very instructive pictures which are very useful for training of our staff and residents. For example we almost never see tuberculosis of the bladder and now we can show the aspect of it. Another example is how to incise an ureterostium etc etc.
Again congratulations and thank you very much.
Best regards,
Jeroen van Moorselaar.
Professor Michael Marberger (Austria)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
14 July, 2006
Dear Petrisor:
Thank you for the great book. Congratulation! It is an excellent reference and it now has a prominent place in our library. Thank you.
With best regards,
Michael Marberger, MD, FRCS (ed)
Professor Christopher Chapple (United Kingdom)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
Your book has just arrived today - thank you very much indeed for the
fantastic atlas which I will treasure.
With kind regards
Prof. Christopher Chapple
Professor of Urology Sheffield Hallam University
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust
Professor Freddy Hamdy (United Kingdom)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Dear Dr Geavlete
Thank you very much indeed for your kind gift of the Atlas of Endourology. It is a wonderful piece of work and I would like to congratulate you warmly. I am very grateful that you have sent me a copy, which will be of great benefit to our Department. Many thanks again and very best wishes
Freddie Hamdy
Freddie C. Hamdy MD FRCSEd (Urol)
Professor and Head of Urology
Director, Division of Clinical Sciences (South)
Chairman, EAU Scientific Office Academic Urology Unit
Royal Hallamshire Hospital Sheffield S10 2JF United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)114 271 2154
Fax: +44 (0)114 271 2268
Professeur Vincent Delmas (France)
EAU and ESU Faculty, Editor of "Journal d'Urologie"
Cher Petrisor,
J'ai bien reçu le superbe atlas d'endo-urologie que tu as fait; Merci beaucoup de ton envoi si amical
Cet ouvrage, véritable traité, est remarquable de part la qualité des situations exposées autant que des images choisies.
Il faut que tu en fasses une version en français.
Avec mes félicitations, toutes mes amitiés pour Emilia et pour toi
Vincent Delmas
Professeur Bernard Lobel (France)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Cher Petrisor
Non seulement j'ai reçu votre livre et vous en félicite grandement car sa forme est très originale et représente un véritable ATLAS pour tous ceux qui se mettent en route en Urologie et les plus Anciens qui recherchent des informations en image, mais je vous ai déjà adressé par le courrier normal une lettre de félicitations et de remerciements.
Adressez toutes mes amitiés à votre épouse et votre fils.
Professeur B. LOBEL Chef du service Urologie
CHU de Rennes - France
bernard.lobel at
Professeur François Richard (France)
Past-Président de l'Association Française d'Urologie
Cher Ami
Je viens en effet de recevoir votre ouvrage que j'ai beaucoup apprécié
Encore merci et en attendant le plaisir de vous revoir
Bien cordialement
F Richard
Professor Giorgio Carmignani (Italy)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
Coming back to my office from the operating room I have had the
pleasure of finding on my desk your wonderful book. At a first glance
it looks as a real masterpiece and I am very happy of having it
available for my Residents, my lessons and so on. I will keep it
jealously as the precious gift of a dear friend and an outstanding
Best personal regards
Giorgio Carmignani
Professor Manfred Wirth (Germany)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
Thank you very much for your kind email and of course also for your book "Atlas of Endourology"! I received it in good conditions and was really delighted by looking through it. Maybe the opportunity arises to have a little chat about it in the near future.
With best personal regards,
Manfred Wirth
Manfred Wirth, M. D.
Professor and Chairman
Department of Urology
Medical School "Carl Gustav Carus" Technical University of Dresden
Fetscherstr. 74 01307 Dresden
phone +49 351 458-2447
fax +49 351 458-4333
Manfred.Wirth at
Professor Alexandre Zlotta (Belgium)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Cher Petrisor
Nous venons de recevoir ce matin l'Atlas of Endourology. J'allais vous écrire que nous ne l'avions pas encore reçu mais c'est fait.
Toutes mes félicitations pour vous et toute l'équipe pour ce superbe travail. Je n'ai encore eu que le temps de le feuilleter mais il est vraiment superbe!!!
Très amicalement et avec mes meilleurs voeux également pour votre épouse!
Toate bune!
Professeur Marc Zerbib (France)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty, EAU Video Committee member
Cher ami
Quel beau livre vous avez réalisé quel travail de qualité
Je suis heureux et fier de l'avoir reçu en gage d'amitié
J'y suis très sensible et espère vous revoir très prochainement
Amitiés à votre épouse
Tel: 01 58 41 27 48/20
Fax: 01 58 41 27 80
marc.zerbib at
Professeur Pascal Rischmann (France)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Cher ami,
Merci beaucoup pour votre message et votre attention.
Je vous félicite pour ce magnifique ouvrage qui montre bien l'étendue de votre expérience. Les photos sont remarquables par leur qualité.A bientôt j'espère,
Professeur des Universités
Chef de Service Urologie-Andrologie-Transplantation Rénale
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rangueil
1, avenue Jean Poulhès TSA 50032
31059 Toulouse Cedex 9
Tél : 33-5 61 32 32 40 Fax : 33-5 61 32 32 30
e-mail : rischmann.p at
Professor Bob Djavan (Austria)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
Congratulations and thank you for this great book,
Univ.Prof.Dr.Bob Djavan,MD,PhD
Professor of Urology Professor of Urology
Vice Chairman, Department of Urology Department of UrologyUniversity of Vienna New York University
New York, NY, USA
Department of UrologyUniversity Hospital Vienna
Fax: ++43-1-4089966
AKH, Urologie,Ebene 8D Wahringer Gurtel 18-20, 1090 Vienna Austria
Professor David Tolley (United Kingdom)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor
I have just received a copy of your book. It is magnificent and clearly represents a great deal of effort and dedication. It will have pride of place in our library and will be very useful for our trainees.
With very best wishes and congratulations
Professeur Christian Coulange (France)
Président of l'Association Française d'Urologie
Cher Collègue,
Je viens de recevoir votre livre (Atlas of Endourology), il est très intéressant, l'iconographie est très riche et servira d'enseignement aux jeunes urologues.
Je vous remercie infiniment pour votre geste.
En espérant vous revoir prochainement, je vous prie d'adresser mes amitiés à votre épouse.
Christian Coulange
Professeur Jean-Michel Dubernard (France)
Past-Président of l'Association Française d'Urologie
Mon Cher Petrisor,
Merci 1000 fois de m'avoir envoyé ton Atlas d'endourology et de l'avoir dédicacé de façon très chaleureuse.
Je te redis mon affectueuse amitiéJM Dubernard
Professor Imre Romics (Hungary)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Dear Professor Petrisor Geavlete,
Many thanks for your very kind e-mail and I would also like to take the opportunity to say many thanks for your invitation and warm host on the 17th Video-Urology World Congress in Bucharest. I very much enjoyed the fantastic meeting and also your company. It was a great pleasure to give my talk and many thanks again for inviting me.
During my flight and immediately after I arrived I went through on your great book: "Atlas of Endourology - Images and Techniques". I have to congratulate for the great job to collect those fabulous endoscopic photos and to publish that superb atlas. It is obvious that this book is a mile stone of endourology.
I would congratulation again for your atlas and thank for your invitation!
Kindest regards:
Professor Sava Perovic (Serbia)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
I just came from abroad and I received your excellent atlas.
Thank you very much - it is a sign of a great friendship.
I look forward to see you again soon.
Dear Petrisor,
I have read your atlas from cover to cover, and I must tell you that I am really impressed with your work and the quality of the book.
I have not seen such a quality Atlas in the western literature.
CONGRATULATION from all of my heart.
I am very interested for the future cooperation and I would like to visit your department and your lovely town again.
That's why I would like to ask you if you could send me official invitation letter for visa, and if you can mention that we have collaboration for longer time so I could get visa for longer period (maybe 6 months or one year) with multiple entries.
You can send it to my home address:
Prof Sava Perovic
Kadinjaca 21, 11136 Belgrade, Serbia
I look forward to see you again. Thank you for in advance.
Yours truly,
Professor Jens Rassweiler (Germany)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Petrisor Geavlete (ed.): Atlas of Endourology, "Carol Davila" University Press, Bucharest 2006
This Atlas is an excellent piece of art summarizing the actual state of the art in Urological Endoscopy (Endourology). More than 3500 images of superb quality illustrations demonstrate the endoscopic findings of almost all pathologies and therapeutic scenarios in the Upper and Lower Urinary Tract.
This Atlas should be in every Endourological Theater. It is "a must" for every Urologist.
Prof. Jens Rassweiler
Professor Henk van der Poel (Netherlands)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Dear Prof Geavlete
Indeed I received your excellent contribution
to Urology. The book contains a formidable amount
of "visual" urology and will serve as a training tool
for residents at our department.
You and your department should be applauded for
these efforts.
Henk van der Poel
Dept urology
Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam The Netherlands
Professor Francesco Montorsi (Italy)
EAU Board member and European Urology Editor-in-Chief
Professor David Castro (Spain)
EAU Officer and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor
I received the Atlas yesterday. It is a wonderful book. Thank you very much indeed. The quality of images is just perfect. I very much would appreciate to have the pictures on an electronic file for teaching.
Very much looking forward to meet you in December
Best regards
Professor Paul Abrams (United Kingdom)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
I am very sorry to be slow in replying. The book is excellent and, in
particular, the illustrations are of exceptional quality.
My congratulations.
Best wishes,
Paul Abrams
Professor of Urology
Bristol Urological Institute
Southmead Hospital, Bristol
Professor Ziya Kirkali (Turkey)
EAU and ESU Faculty
Dear friend,
This afternoon I received your wonderful book. Great job. Congratulations.
Thank you for your kindness.
All best personal wishes.
Dear friend,
First of all, please allow me to congratulate you for producing such a magnificent book. I know very well how much work you must have put in this fascinating compilation. It really looks superb and will be a very useful tool to learn for the practicing urologists.
I do appreciate your friendship and thoroughly enjoyed having your book.
All best wishes and regards.
Ziya, your friend as always.
Professeur Xavier Martin (France)
Board member of l'Association Française d'Urologie
Cher Ami,
J'ai bien reçu ton atlas. Il est exceptionnel de qualité.
Merci beaucoup de cet envoi.
Bonnes vacances
Professor Frans Debruyne (The Netherland)
Previous EAU General Secretary, EAU and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor Geavlete,
I just received your wonderful 'Atlas of Endourology'.
First of all my compliments for this superpublication of wonderful endouroligcal pictures.Sincere congratulations with this performance.
I will be able to use many of these pictures for educational instructions and lectures.
Again my best compliments,
yours sincerely,Frans M.J. Debruyne
Professor Claude Abbou (France)
EAU Board member and ESU Faculty
Cher Ami
Merci pour votre magnifique ouvrage que j'ai trouvé très didactique et intéressant pour tous.
Bravo pour ce magnifique travail !
Clément-Claude ABBOU
Chef de service
Service d'Urologie CHU Henri Mondor
51. Av. du Ml. De Lattre de Tassigny
94010 Créteil-cedex
Tel : +33 (0)1 49 81 25 51
Fax : +33 (0)1 49 81 25 52
Professor Per-Anders Abrahamsson (Sweden)
EAU Secretary General
Dear Petrisor Geavlete, colleague and friend,
Indeed it was an honor and pleasure to receive your book recently, i.e. "Atlas of endourology - Images and Techniques". It is a very nice book with fantastic illustrations and photographs. My faculty has already enjoyed overall high quality of this book. My congratulations to you and your co-workers that made a dream come true and finalized this valuable book for educational events but also useful in other parts of urology.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for this great gift. I am looking forward to meet you again in the not too distant future.
Warmest personal regards,
Malmö; University Hospital
Department of Urology
Tel.: +46 40 33 10 00
Fax: +46 40 33 70 49
Professeur Philippe Mangin (France)
Past-Président de l'Association Française d'Urologie
Cher Collègue, Cher Ami,
A mon retour de vacances, j'ai eu le grand plaisir de découvrir
votre magnifique ATLAS D' ENDOUROLOGIE.
Je n'avais jamais vu une encyclopédie aussi riche et didactique,
qui représente manifestement de nombreuses années de travail.
Recevez mes sincères félicitations et remerciements.
Avec ma fidèle amitié.
Philippe Mangin
Professor Mahesh Desai (India)
President of the Indian Urological Society
Dear Petrisor,
It was indeed pleasure meeting you and Emilia.
Thank you very much for the Atlas of Endourology. I really enjoyed going through your book. There are excellent photographs and images and your book is very informative. It will be a prize collection in our library.
Nalini is joining me in sending our regards to both of you.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Mahesh Desai, MS, FRCS, FRCS,
Chairman, Dept. of Urology
Professor Börje Ljungberg (Sweden)
EAU and ESU Faculty
Dear Professor Geavlete,
Thank you very much for having the opportunity to read your book "Atlas of Endourology - Images and Techniques". It was a pleasure to go through the pages with an extremely high number of good endourological photographs. The content of the Atlas covers most of the urological spectra.
I congratulate you because this is a outstanding Atlas of unusual and usual cases that is extremely well done. I will use this book for the education of residents, younger colleagues and as a useful dictionary for uncommon findings in the urinary tract.
This book is a good example of an excellent contribution to the urological literature.
Yours sincerely,
Börje Ljungberg
Professor and Chairman
Department of Surgical and Perioperative Science
Urology and Andrology
Umeå University, S-901 85 Umeå, Sweden
Professor Dmitry Pushkar (Russia)
EAU and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
Let me express my very deep appreciation to you for sending me this beautiful book. What a tremendous amount of work!
It's always a pleasure to receive a note from you and I'm looking forward to seeing you during future international meetings.
Best regards to you and your charming wife.
Your friend,
Professor Alexandre Zlotta (France)
EAU and ESU Faculty
Cher Petrisor
Nous venons de recevoir ce matin l'atlas of Endourology. J'allais vous écrire que nous ne l'avions pas encore reçu mais c'est fait.
Toutes mes félicitations pour vous et toute l'équipe pour ce superbe travail. Je n'ai encore eu que le temps de le feuilleter mais il est vraiment superbe!!!
Très amicalement et avec mes meilleurs voeux également pour votre épouse!
Toate buna!
Professor Andreas Gross (Germany)
EAU and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
I am a horrible friend!
I did not even thank you for the book you gave me. It is certainly a highlight in my library. I proudly showed it to my team. Books like this may encourage our fellows to work hard in Endourology. And this is our future.
I hope very much to seeing you again in the near future. Are you coming to Hamburg for the DGU? If so, I would like to show you my new hospital. Or are you coming to the SIU in Cape Town. South Africa is my second home.
Please give my warmest regards to your wife
Professor Gopal Badlani (USA)
Long Island Institute
It was indeed a pleasure to see you and your wife.
I hope someday I get to visit Romania
I enjoyed the pictures very much I just wish you had put it on a CD as it would be a great teaching resource
Professor Benjamin Lee (USA)
Long Island Institute
It was wonderful to see you and your lovely wife again. The book has a prominent position in my library. I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Best regards,
Ben Lee
Professor Inderbir Gill (USA)
Chief of the Urologic Department - Cleveland Clinic
My dear friend Petrisor:
It was such a pleasure seeing you in Cleveland.And your Atlas is just absolutely sincere congratulations to you for this outstanding piece of work.
You should be very very proud of this world class work.
Congratulations again...!
With admiration
Professor Tomas Hanus (Czech Republic)
President of the Czech Society of Urology
Dear Petrisor,
Many thanks for all your personal input and contributions to the successful rate of the 6th EAU Central Meeting in Prague.
I appreciated your book Atlas of Endourology - Images and Techniques very much!! You have done a great job. Thank you very much indeed.
Looking forward to seeing you again I remain with my best wishes and regards from Prague!
Sincerely yours
Tomas Hanus
Professor Alain le Duc (France)
EAU Academy Office
Cher ami,
Je viens de parcourir votre Atlas dont la qualité iconographique est remarquable. Toutes mes félicitations!
Amitié a vous et a votre femme.
Alain le Duc
Professor Richard Williams (U.K.)
President of the Scientific Committee SIU Paris
Dear Professor Geavlete:
Thanks so much for the wonderful book. It has spectacular pictures that I will place in our Dept. Library to share with all of our residents and students.
I hope you arrived home safely.
It was a pleasure to meet you.
Best wishes, Dick Williams
Rubin H. Flocks Chair
Professor and Head
Department of Urology
University of Iowa
Telephone # 319-356-0760
Fax # 319-353-8564
richard-williams at
Professor Luc Valiquette (Canada)
General Secretary of SIU
Thanks for your support Petrisor.
I thank you for your book, and I can attest that the images do show that you have a great experience. Your book will be in our resident library at the university hospital.
Regarding the meeting in Paris, I have already pass on your name to the scientific committee for endourology. I will get in contact shortly with Marty Resnick and Dick Williams who are in charge of the scientific program. I will make sure you are part of it.
Pleasure to see you, and thanks for the picture
Professor Hugh Whitfield (U.K.)
EAU and ESU Faculty
Dear Petrisor,
Very many thanks for the kind email and the photos, which will be a great reminder of the SIU session that we moderated together.
I hope that the audience appreciated the format; at some stage we should receive an official feedback from the SIU detailing the rating that our session attracted from those who were listening. I was pleased that the auditorium was full.
I have had a chance to look through in some detail at the magnificent book that you gave me. I can well imagine the enormous amount of work that was involved and I congratulate you on the quality and comprehensiveness of the book. I am sure that generations of future urologists will use your textbook as a source of reference, not only to identify more common pathologies but also to see the unusual and rare ones that can cause us so mush confusion.
I look forward to the next occasion on which our paths will cross.
All best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
Professor Joachim Thüroff (Germany)
EAU and ESU Faculty
Dear Friend,
After having returned from Cape Town to Mainz, I have taken the time to
study your "Atlas of Endourology" which indeed is an unbelievable
collation of the most excellent and extraordinary endoscopic pictures I
have ever seen. Moreover, the reproduction of these pictures and
assembly with x-ray findings, histology microscopic photographs and so
on is outstanding and a great contribution to urological practice and
Thank you very much again for giving this treasure of modern endourology
to me. Your book is a great contribution to the worldwide urological
community for scientific and teaching purposes!
I hope to see you soon
Warm personal regards
J. W. Thüroff, M.D.
Professor and Chairman
Department of Urology
Johannes Gutenberg University
Langenbeckstrasse 1
55131 Mainz, Germany
Phone: +49 6131 17 71 83
Fax: +49 6131 17 64 15
E-mail: keenan at
E-mail: thueroff at
Professor Piotr Dobronski (Poland)
EAU and ESU Faculty
Dear Professor Geavlete. Dear Petrisor.
Today I have received the wonderful "Atlas of Endourology" that you had so kindly sent me. I appreciate it very, very much. I also congratulate you cordially this extraordinary issue. The book is wonderful and looking at how beautifully it is edited and how thick
it is I realize how much work of yours it took. Thank you so much for a warm dedication, it doubles (at least) the value of The Atlas for me. I went quickly through it and I am amazed by the extremely detailed nature of your "child". I am sure I will have many nice evenings with it but also have a great educational tool for our students - it is impossible to show them many entities in real life, but The Atlas will be at hand and of great aid.
I hope to meet you soon (Berlin ?) and shake your hand and give you a great hug personally !
Please also congratulate your co-workers and give them my words of appreciation for their input.
Many thanks once again.
Best regards
Piotr Dobronski